PS4 servers offline from 9:30 AM to 12:30 AM CET.
November 29th is the day but confirmation to come on Monday.
PS4 release date also confirmed.
Gear Score increase, new World Tier and more coming.
Other changes revealed for PTS.
Survival temporarily unavailable.
It's always coldest before dawn.
Accessible to PC Season Pass owners only.
Enemy armour damage could be big in update 1.5.
State of the Game scheduled for today.
Major update available now.
PTS proves successful for Massive.
Patch size still unknown.
Release date for update 1.4 coming?
Update 1.4 still scheduled for October release.
PTS changes for week 4 incoming.
Fourth week lasting till October 17th.
It will be utilized for future updates however.
More changes to loot drops, enemies and more made.
State of the Game also scheduled.