Developed on Unreal Engine 4.
Space Marines take on Genestealers on PS4 next year.
Get some more caffeine.
Dinosaraum founder also called UE4 a "convenient engine" for development.
There's a point to it though, we promise.
Help fund the first person title today.
Possibly being developed on Unreal Engine 4.
The Unreal Engine 4 adventure is shaping up to look better than ever.
Tim Sweeney says there will be "lots of AAA stuff coming out over time."
Incandescent Imaging's Dylan Browne also shares his thoughts on AMD Mantle.
Amazing screenshots emerge of City 17 in UE4 - could Half Life 3 look this good?
Traverse a barren space mining platform in a caffeine-dominated future.
Plus, it has 90 staff members working on it.
Epic thinks "there's a big opportunity" to be had with Fortnite.
Epic Games founder says there's plenty of unannounced games being developed using UE4.
“This is our complete engine."
Also, more information forthcoming for Fortnite in the coming week?
Studio director Jared Gerritzen also talks about the reason for opting for UE4.