That looks pretty awesome, yeah.
In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie...
Play the game for yourself and decide whether you wanna get hyped or not.
Holy revelations, Batman!
The mobile version of the game, that is.
Bonuses split between six retailers.
No Android version just yet, though.
That is, bloody, gory, and awesome.
Still doesn't make up for Batman using guns, though.
Look, a good Lord of the Rings game!
Welcome to the Suicide Squad.
A new challenger has appeared!
Gameplay for Cold, Cold Heart shown.
I'm sure all five UK Wii U owners are terribly disappointed.
Another handheld game makes its way to consoles and PC.
Now open to everyone.
Launching on every platform, refrigerator and toaster available in the market.
Like Steam sales, but on your iPhone.
Could this be true?
'It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.'