Ubisoft...you're starting to do stupid things again.
RC cars with explosives and hacking await.
And it looks pretty great!
Stalk your friends around the grid.
Watch Dogs to be "the only mature game" Ubisoft publishes on the Wii U.
Beijing, San Francisco Bay Area, London and more.
Ubisoft is teasing a brand new city for Watch Dogs.
The organic world of the newest Assassin's Creed could be its undoing if Ubisoft isn't careful.
Rain and depth of field changes, colour grading adjustments and much more added.
Software sales down from last year but overall quarter's sales are good.
A damn good offer.
The summer drought with no new AAA titles till September.
Xbox One meanwhile makes up 17 percent of sales.
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot says Watch Dogs is now "well positioned as a major franchise".
Yes, that's supposed to be reassuring.
You finally get it to look like the E3 2012 debut demo, WILL YOU STOP BITCHING NOW?
Bringing closer to its original vision.
EA's MMA title is the top selling game in the UK.
On its official Watch Dogs Facebook page no less.