The Last of Us Part 2 was recently shown off to GameStop employees at the GME conference, as we reported yesterday, and some interesting new details on the game have emerged as a result. For starters, one of the people in attendance (who was also tweeting about the game yesterday) who goes by @Gaming_Forte on Twitter, was asked if they had any idea when the game would be show to the public. Their answer? “Soon.”
Outbreak Day is less than a month away, and Naughty Dog often likes to do community-oriented stuff on the day, so it’s possible that something might happen then. Additionally, there was also a recent report that suggested a State of Play stream would be held by Sony in November, during which they would announce a release date for the game, so that’s something to keep an eye on as well.
@Gaming_Forte also gave one very interesting detail on the gameplay that was show off from The Last of Us Part 2, explaining that it was very stealth oriented, and that it involved the player being able to use Clickers to your advantage. That sounds a lot like elements from the first game’s Left Behind DLC, which is aces in my book, personally.
The Last of Us Part 2 doesn’t currently have a release date, but multiple reports have suggested that it’ll be out some time in early 2020. Here’s hoping we find out soon.
— Forte (@Gaming_Forte) August 27, 2019