Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown released last year in January and despite coming years after the last major follow-up, it managed to sell 500,000 units in Asia within its first month. Bandai Namco has recently announced an even more significant milestone. The combat flight sim has managed to cross two million in global worldwide shipments and digital sales.
The reason for revealing this milestone is in celebration of the franchise’s anniversary. Ace Combat is now 25 years old with the first game having release 1995 for Japan. It’s since had a number of sequels and spin-offs, and even dabbled in the free to play space with Ace Combat Infinity.
As for Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, it’s had several DLC packs since its launch for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. For more details on how the base game fared, check out our official review here. As for what’s next with the franchise, especially with the next-generation of consoles on the horizon, we’ll have to stay tuned for more details.
【 #ACECOMBAT シリーズ 25周年記念④】
最新作 #ACECOMBAT7 の全世界累計出荷本数が200万本を突破いたしました!
世界中のファンの皆様に楽しんでいただけるよう更新を続けて参りますので、これからも応援よろしくお願い致します!#エースコンバット #ACE25th
— エースコンバット公式 (@PROJECT_ACES) June 30, 2020