The dynamic menu was the culprit, apparently.
Localization of games should be very easy now.
Tanks! Tanks! Tanks!
'We are not developing anything for Xbox One as a result.'
'The magnitude of the response and what people are doing with it has blown us away.'
Most top of the line Nvidia cards are part of the promo.
Are you not entertained?
Two new confidential Destiny videos just for you.
Except for Xbox One owners. Because, you know, you guys aren't getting it.
Japanese media conglomerate now owns one of the best developers in the industry.
Another high profile departure at Sony's premier first party studio.
Is Persona 3 Velvet finally going to be a thing?
See how well Ubisoft's stunning upcoming game fares against the real world .
That's one problem down, eleven hundred to go.
Wii U version employs GamePad for mind-reading magic