Eventually relegated to being a hidden boss.
Also suggests getting your voices heard by Microsoft.
Looking at some interesting additions that could improve the next Fallout.
A few users have begun seeing white residue leaking from their consoles.
Sorry, l33t snipers.
Sorry, er, Wii U Minecraft fans.
Making button mapping easier.
What is actually responsible for netcode complaints in DICE's shooter?
Infinity Ward tweaks a few features.
Kojima comments that The Phantom Pain will be "hundreds of times bigger".
Still a requirement for middleware to have smallest possible memory footprint though.
If some one with a profile walks into the room, YouTube will automatically boot you out.
With a twist!
An easy and quick way to access DLNA on your PS4.
Level designer Steven Gallagher also talks about the length of the campaign.
Eidos Montreal is taking the PC platform very seriously for Thief.
That's just great news for everyone.
We speak to Eidos Montreal about their upcoming first person sneaker.
Of course, conditions apply.