Rockstar has grand ambitious for its upcoming open world title.
It's not over yet.
It's more or less what you'd have expected.
The Square Enix duo rules the roost yet again.
Pete Hines talks about what to expect from next-gen consoles.
Due to small differences in console and PC versions of the game, Armored Warfare sadly won't support cross-play.
Enjoy the scenery, but avoid the armies of the dead.
The upcoming action adventure title aims to look its best on both the enhanced consoles.
The DLC pack is now available to download.
They just want to waste our bandwidth.
A love letter to all things Marvel.
Talk about attention to detail.
Kojima-san is toying with our emotions on a daily basis.
Niantic is reporting major boosts in the game's popularity recently.
Don't expect a large open world, though.
"We’re ultimately aiming for something on the scale of Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and The Last Guardian.”
Everything you need to know about The Walking Dead: The Final Season.
Here's the short answer though- it doesn't.
Ready to live the bug's life?
Apparently, it's the way the game is "meant to be experienced".