Gearbox Software’s Borderlands 3 looked pretty good in its gameplay showcase. While we know the game will have additional skins and XP boosters like its predecessors, we’ve been curious about how it will handle additional monetization. According to PC Gamer, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford stated that there won’t be any microtransactions.
“We’re gonna do some kickass campaign DLC. And I’m sure we’re going to do all kinds of fun customizations like heads and skins, but we’re not doing any of that free-to-play junk. There’s not going to be any microtransactions, there’s not going to be any of that nonsense,” said Pitchford at the recent gameplay reveal.
Creative director Paul Sage further noted that any skins, auxiliary equipment, and customizable heads wouldn’t be pay-to-win. No additional currencies for microtransactions would be offered to the player either, and there’s no plan to be games-as-a-service.
Anyone who’s played Borderlands 2 and acquired everything over the years will know that there’s plenty of other additional content that Gearbox could charge for. Headhunter packs, story DLC, additional skins and heads, Ultimate Vault Hunter mode, the list goes on. Borderlands 3 at the very least will have cosmetic packs, a Season Pass for campaign DLC, and additional goodies in the Deluxe and Super Deluxe Editions.
At the very least, it seems the development team wants to deliver a complete base game at launch. Borderlands 3 is out on September 13th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.