What games proved that they still can't shutout their predecessors?
15 of the most bad ass headshots of all time.
Ghosts sees a grimmer Call of Duty take centre stage again. The results are mixed.
We take the Xbox One version of Call of Duty Ghosts for a ride.
Senior Community Manager Tina Palacios details the present and future of Call of Duty.
With three major shooters coming to consoles and PC this Fall, there's a lot to look forward to, but which one will come out on top?
We spoke to Eric Biessman of Raven Software to get his take on all things multiplayer-related for Ghosts.
A low down on what to expect from the next Call of Duty game.
We look at upcoming releases that currently run or are targeting the Golden Standard of video resolutions.
How well did the animation tech from GDC hold up? Let's find out.
The gameplay reveal of Infinity Ward's next at the next Xbox event on May 21st is suspicious.