And they are reasonable as well.
Is it worth your money?
One of the first major games of 2013.
Incredible music.
He talks a bit about PC capabilities.
Here we go again. This time we take a look at India, Japan, Paris And More.
Well that definitely is some dedication.
SSX meets motion controls? Not quite.
Hack, slash and rapid dash through the upcoming port.
Zack Cooper talks about the allocation of points across play styles
"Ossu!" and other murder-related vocabulary.
Back to the madness, one concept at a time.
Rapture rebuilt using Minecraft tools.
And I swear I didn't make a word of that up.
Indoctrination theory? Awesome but unneeded.
How awesome is this game?
When the inevitable AC4 does come out, Ubisoft will need to make a few changes...