We get it, Ubisoft, you love the Nintendo Switch.
Patch currently in testing stage.
Breaks first day digital sales record in Japan.
The game continues its successful run.
Will be bringing new content with it.
The ultra popular titles will be playable on the PS4 starting on December 6.
Maintenance for upcoming SRL?
Expect to hear more in 2017.
Stomp or get stomped.
85 percent increase over Pokemon X and Y over similar period.
Fixes various graphics issues and mouse problems.
Silent Hill: Biohazard.
The problem is that it just pales next to what Games with Gold has to offer this month.
A PS3 game, indeed.
Could we see more Switch content?
shinobi602 hints at upcoming potential reveals.
PlayStation VR expectations downgraded severely.
"It will certainly allow developers to utilize new visual and gaming features in larger scale and develop visually more stunning games."
Rapid console refreshes don't hurt customer sentiment, he believes.
Xbox One S also caused a (small) bump in Xbox One sales.