Sony "can't wait to show Street Fighter and PS fans what we have in store".
Alright, that looks intriguing.
Lots of neat new info.
She's back!
Brb, changing pants.
Showcasing melee and combat.
Launches Summer 2015.
Europe doesn't exist, apparently.
And it looks...huh.
The universe is a wide open place in Hello Games' open world space sim.
Sorry CloudxTifa fans.
Media Molecule's beautiful platformer inches closer to its console release.
Run, hide, craft and then run some more.
Sony San Diego finally confirms the game's development.
To celebrate PlayStation's 20th anniversary.
Yep, it's Street Fighter.
Exclusive to PlayStation 4 fans of course.
Murder, death, kill on the PS4 in Spring.
Were you expecting some other Street Fighter announcement?