The insanity continues.
As well as an open world that is literally solar system sized.
And it is not Windows 8 exclusive.
However, there is a ways to go yet.
Christine Arrington, an IHS senior analyst in the games group, talks about Cloud computing on consoles.
But it won't be there at launch.
Also an evil clown (we think).
Will they actually implement support? That remains to be seen.
Welcome back to the HD stage of history.
PS3 owners will be able to pre-install the game in preparation for its release.
The company has lowered its net profit forecast by 40 percent.
Work has begun on a new project, according to Zenimax HR manager Ashley Pierce.
Find out how Contrast began and what it's all about.
New missions and means to murder zombies await.
All versions of Titanfall will take advantage of Azure.
That's bigger than Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, or Nintendo Network.
Cross buy will be supported.
Android support for revolutionary headset inbound.