And they are all awesome.
Diablo III more than just a lazy port.
Bungie talks about the rationale behind the decision.
EA claims that the DRM on Xbox One was never something it asked for.
New information for the latest batch of Pokemon games, and damn is it delicious sounding.
No cross platform play for upcoming MMO.
It was all a joke, insists the producer.
Call of Duty's next game coming to Wii U?
Also known as, "Microsoft needs you to agree to shut up and like it."
New details about the game.
Check out what's new with Namco Bandai's upcoming line-up.
Online focus of Xbox One ideal for TitanFall's purpose.
A whole lot of LEGO at E3.
Capcom fails to learn its lesson from Resident Evil 6.
The latest from Tecmo Koei right from E3.
Shots fired! Shots fired!
All dedicated servers. All the time.
'The content included should offer the greatest value for players.'
Both of the games are looking solid. Are you impressed?
Screens and videos for Sega's magnum opus.