How will Link look like if he was made out of triangles?
This game sure looks shiny.
Gearbox CEO says "We'll see".
It comes out in May.
No official confirmation from Ubisoft till now.
And you cannot cancel what never was - or so they say.
Millions of dollars!
Also: Vampire Killer!
Also, this year billed as "the best ever year for the PS3".
Bring the war to the Cartel - T.W.O. style.
They may post a profit this fiscal year.
Meet the Empusa, 10 second before she murders you.
Let's hope the game isn't banned.
New maps and vehicles in the pack.
Developer's best friend.
Tech galore.
Kojima always has a different thought process than other developers.
Majority of gamers will buy, he says.
Check out how this edition presents itself compared to last year.