Archive For News Category

Olivia Munn Sits in For Kathy Lee Gifford on ‘The Today Show’ as She Moves Her Way Up

Olivia Munn Sits in For Kathy Lee Gifford on ‘The Today Show’ as She Moves Her Way Up

Olivia Munn was once our well known, cute and lovable co-host of 'Attack of the Show' on G4TV.  She has since moved on to bigger and better things trying to expand her career in show business.  We... Read More

Sony now granted access to Geohot’s PayPal account

Sony now granted access to Geohot’s PayPal account

The wars are getting hotter. The latest in the hacking scene tells us that Sony has been granted access to the PlayStation 3 hacker George 'Geohot' Hotz's paypal account. The reason is obvious... Read More

Hilarious New Socom: Special Forces Dance trailer

Hilarious New Socom: Special Forces Dance trailer

Sony's released a rather funny looking new Socom: Special Forces trailer, which teaches you some cool looking dance moves. [HTML1] We aren't really sure, if you'll be able to pull them off in-game b... Read More

Molyneux: “I lied about features to keep Journos awake”

Molyneux: “I lied about features to keep Journos awake”

Peter Molyneux got a BAFTA Fellowship last night, and he said a lot of things, which surprised a lot of people, on the special occasion. He admitted that he made up game features on the spot d... Read More

Hitman 5 Teaser?

Hitman 5 Teaser?

Some of the folks over at Hitmanforum picked up on a mysterious, though not so subtle, image in a catalogue at the Sundance film festival: A box of doughnuts with a bar-code, already a hitman symbol, ... Read More

Australian Government Hope To Have 18+ Rating Added To Classification System By Summer

Australian Government Hope To Have 18+ Rating Added To Classification System By Summer

In Australia, any game deemed more adult or explicit than their 15+ rating is effectively banned. This has not only banned a few key titles from Australian distribution but has also required heavy edi... Read More

Results Of The Video Game BAFTAs

Results Of The Video Game BAFTAs

Here are the winners from the video game BAFTAs earlier today: Action: Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Artistic Achievement: God Of War III Best Game: Mass Effect 2 Family: Kinect Sport... Read More

RUMOR ALERT: Wii 2 Coming This E3, Specs Leaked- Quad Core, Blu Ray Drive

RUMOR ALERT: Wii 2 Coming This E3, Specs Leaked- Quad Core, Blu Ray Drive

With the Wii already being relegated to 'legacy console' status by major third parties, it seems that the time is ripe for a new Nintendo console, one that would probably be more competitive, on a s... Read More

EA Hints At The Wii 2, Claims The Wii Is A ‘Legacy Console’

EA Hints At The Wii 2, Claims The Wii Is A ‘Legacy Console’

The Wii might be the oddest console in gaming history. Hitting retail in late 2006, the massively underpowered system sold millions upon millions on the promise of its innovative new controls and it... Read More

Homefront sells 375k units on launch day in NA

Homefront sells 375k units on launch day in NA

Homefront's sold 375,000 copies in North America on launch day, THQ's announced. These figures, which are an estimate marks a solid launch of the title in NA. THQ's very happy about it and h... Read More

Dragon Age Legends Game Hits Facebook – Details & Opening Trailer

Dragon Age Legends Game Hits Facebook – Details & Opening Trailer

Once again another application to add to your facebook page is the Play4Free Dragon Age Legends RPG.  Now not only is it free to play but it ties in with Dragon Age 2 and by playing Dragon Age lege... Read More

Shadows of the Damned PS3 boxart revealed

Shadows of the Damned PS3 boxart revealed

EA's released the official boxart for Shadow of the Damned and it looks really cool. As you can see above, the boxart, has a nice artistic feel to it, with the game's hero wielding a big gun.... Read More

Stardrone gets gameplay footage

Stardrone gets gameplay footage

[HTML1] Stardrone, the upcoming PS Move title from Beatshapers, has been promoted with new gameplay footage seen above. Must say it does look like a pretty eclectic, but entertaining, mix of gen... Read More

Jikandia: The Timeless Land now available

Jikandia: The Timeless Land now available

Akysys game's new action RPG, Jikandia: The Timeless Land, is now available for the PSP via UMD or download through the PSN. The game features four player co-op dungeons along with the ability ... Read More

Gears of War 3 Beta – Facebooke Map Winners and More Beta Info (Unlocks, Carry Overs to Gears 3 & More)

Gears of War 3 Beta – Facebooke Map Winners and More Beta Info (Unlocks, Carry Overs to Gears 3 & More)

In case you have been living under a rock, the Gears of War Beta starts this April in an effort to make the game a bug and glitch free release.  Two maps in the beta are already set and confirmed t... Read More

WWE: All Stars Match Types Trailer lands

WWE: All Stars Match Types Trailer lands

[HTML1] All you intrepid WWE fans may want to take note of the new trailer for THQ's upcoming WWE: All Stars. The trailer shows off some of the more obscure match types that we'll see in the ful... Read More

Launch trailer for My Fitness Coach Club goes live

Launch trailer for My Fitness Coach Club goes live

[HTML1] Ubisoft have just posted the launch trailer for their upcoming fitness title, My Fitness Coach Club. The trailer shows extensive use of the PS move and PS eye, and the game looks set to ... Read More

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Reverie DLC Trailer

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Reverie DLC Trailer

As you are most likely aware of, the first of two DLC Packs for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is to be released on March 30th entitled the 'Reverie'  add-on. You must help the former servant to the... Read More

Homefront future history trailer launches

Homefront future history trailer launches

[HTML1] A new trailer for THQ's Homefront details more of the alternative historical timeline that frames the game. As Korea is unified once more, the battle between capitalism and communism onc... Read More

Prey 2 Live Action Trailer is Pretty Crazy

Prey 2 Live Action Trailer is Pretty Crazy

Here is the latest trailer for Prey 2 which happens to be live action which definitely drew my attention to it more.  Hopefully the sequel will be better than the first game.  Published by Bethesd... Read More