The veil of secrecy has been lifted, somewhat, from Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding. One of the aspects of the game that is clear to see is Kojima’s love of film, as evidenced by the film-inspired posters he released yesterday, shortly after the big trailer that revealed the game’s release date. Death Stranding also features several faces from various parts of the film and television world. One of those faces is Nicolas Winding Refn, a director of such films as Drive, as Heartman.
You can see the photos on Kojima’s official Twitter below. We see the two together casually, but also Refn with the 3D motion capture equipment on him and how it comes out in the in-game model. Interestingly, he won’t be played by himself in either voice acting or movement in the actual game.
Death Stranding will release exclusively for PlayStation 4 November 8th. You can check out information on the various editions of the game here.
Nicolas W. Refn and Hideo Kojima on a day in October 2017, when we did his 3D scanning.— Ayako (Touchy!) (@Kaizerkunkun) May 29, 2019