343 Industries revealed Halo Infinite at Microsoft’s E3 2019 presser but didn’t really present any gameplay. Instead, we got the “Discover Hope” cinematic trailer which showcased Master Chief’s rescue and revival. However, at one point in the trailer, a strange symbol resembling a stretched QR code was seen.
Xepyal on Twitter took to reconstructing the symbol into an actual QR code. When scanned, it leads to an audio clip where footsteps can audibly be heard. Suddenly, a voice that seems to be Cortana speaks out, saying, “This… This is part of me. I don’t know why… I don’t know how… But it is me.”
Take it for what it’s worth, but Frank O’Connor, the franchise development director for Halo, responded with a tweet that simply said, “hmmm.” So while the validity of the clip hasn’t been confirmed, it hasn’t been denied either. This wouldn’t be the first time that the series has played around with trans-media promotion.
Halo 2 was famously promoted by an alternate reality game called “I Love Bees.” It quickly went viral and garnered numerous awards for its innovation. Whether this ends up having the same impact for Halo Infinite or is simply the start of 343 Industries’ marketing rabbit hole for the game remains to be seen.
Either way, Halo Infinite will be releasing in Holiday 2020 on Xbox One, Project Scarlett (where it will be a launch title), and Windows 10 PC.
— Frank (@franklez) July 29, 2019