Developer Crystal Dynamics has released a new video for Marvel’s Avengers’ newest character: Jane Foster as the Mighty Thor. The new video is essentially a deep dive into the character, and how she will play in Marvel’s Avengers. The Mighty Thor is playable in Marvel’s Avengers from today onwards. Check out the video below.
The key differentiating factor between the original Thor and Jane Foster as the Mighty Thor is the fact that Foster has better controller over Mjolnir than the original Thor. In terms of gameplay, Foster’s edition means new team compositions are now available to players.
The video also goes into some of Mighty Thor’s backstory, including Jane Foster’s history as a doctor that was known for her skill, as well as her compassion. Foster’s story largely took place in 2015’s Mighty Thor series of comics, as well as 2019’s War of the Realms. Her arc was completed in Valkyrie, where she transcends mortality and goes through a rebirth.
In the game’s story, Foster’s version of Thor is actually from a different dimension. She is brought into the game’s world because of tachyon anomalies.
In terms of gameplay, Foster’s moveset is quite similar to that of Thor, owing to the fact that she learned how to use Mjolnir by watching Thor in action. She also has her own twists on the moveset, along with her own special intrinsic ability and overcharge ability.
Marvel’s Avengers is available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia.