A couple of weeks ago, Capcom released a bunch of short clips for the upcoming remake of Resident Evil 2, showing brief snippets from the game. A new round of similar clips has been released once again, and is looking quite good. The Licker, which we’ve seen plenty of in recent weeks, gets briefly shown in one of them yet again.
Other than that, the clips mostly focus on weapons in the game. One clip focuses on the combat knife, showing Leon first picking it up from a locker, and then using it against an oncoming zombie. Two of the clips show shotguns, with Claire and Leon testing them out in a firing range in each of the clips. In another clip, Claire throws a grenade as a zombie turns around a corner and shambles in her direction. Each clip is pretty short at about 5 to 6 seconds long- take a look at them below.
Yesterday, a leak suggested that Resident Evil 2 will be getting a demo in mid-January- read more about that through here. If you’re hungry for more gameplay footage from the game, be sure to take a look at a bunch of meaty new gameplay videos through here. Resident Evil 2 launches on January 25 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.