Reports emerged yesterday that Capcom are working on a Resident Evil 4 remake, with M-Two, the studio also involved in Resident Evil 3’s development, acting as lead developer on the project. Now, prominent Resident Evil leaker AestheticGamer (a.k.a. Dusk Golem) has taken to Twitter to drop some more new details on the title.
According to Dusk Golem, M-Two were originally set up specifically for the purpose of Resident Evil 4’s development, and their work on RE3 – on which, according to him, they assisted lead developers Red Works – was to be a practice run of sorts, a stepping stone to their next project. Work on RE4 supposedly began all the way back in 2018, and M-Two have been listening to and taking feedback for the recently released Resident Evil 3 into account. Additionally, Capcom Division 1 – specifically, the teams that worked on Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry 5 – are also assisting with development.
Dusk Golem says that by the time the game is out, it will have been in development for over four years. Its reveal, meanwhile, a year or a year and a half away, with Dusk Golem suggesting that for the foreseeable future, the rumoured Resident Evil 8 is going to get Capcom’s undivided attention. He also reiterates that the project was greenlit by Capcom only after it got Shinji Mikami’s approval, though his own involvement in development is limited, owing to his commitments to Tango Gameworks’ upcoming GhostWire: Tokyo.
Meanwhile, Capcom also recently announced that Resident Evil 3 surpassed 2 million units in worldwide shipments and digital sales within 5 days of release.
There's a bit more I can add though. M-Two was developed with this project in mind, it was always their plan to remake RE4. RE4 Remake's development began in 2018, and by the time it releases (aiming for 2022, but it may slip back further, who knows) it'll have been in dev for 4+
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) April 12, 2020
and something to be mentioned is M-Two were helping with RE3 for some practice rather than being as they also were working on RE4. You can bet your ass they were also following reception of RE3 REmake closely to see what worked, didn't work, etc.
The project does have Shinji
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) April 12, 2020
think this is the time to talk about it. The game is 2+ years away, much can change, RE8 is the next RE game and I fully believe deserves the attention right now and may turn out to be excellent. I understand the interest/concerns, but whether it helps or not be aware RE4 does
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) April 12, 2020
out so early is you're literally not going to see it anytime soon probably, probably its reveal is in like a year, year and a half from now, so I guess get ready to sit on this one for a while.
Bright side, I'm super excited for RE8 and that should be revealed relatively soon.
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) April 12, 2020