The remake is being made in conjunction with the upcoming remaster.
3D Realms' Frederik Schreiber and Scott Miller speak with GamingBolt about reviving an old-school favourite.
3D Realms' Frederik Schreiber and Scott Miller expect to see "faster loading times, faster streaming, better AI," and more.
Who wasn't talking to Fox about this franchise?
A discussion with 3D Realms vice president Frederik Schreiber and lead developer Jeremiah Fox about the upcoming old school first person shooter.
3D Realms VP Frederik Schreiber feels we are "at least 20 years" away from being at a stage where Stadia will be a properly viable and widespread gaming solution.
We speak with 3D Realms founder Scott Miller about the upcoming classic first person shooter, Ion Maiden.
3D Realms founder Scott Miller speaks about his hopes and expectations from the next generation of consoles.
A 3D Realms game shipping? Stop the press?
Jon St. John returns (but not as Duke Nukem).
Hail to litigation, baby.
The isometric action title's weapons and gameplay are revealed in this 10 minute video.
'You've got Wang.'
Something something something bubblegum.
Co-developers of Duke Nukem bought out amid Gearbox lawsuit.
Because nothing with Duke Nukem can ever be simple.
Classic 90s are back again!
Reimagining of classic shooter coming to Steam later this month.
The controversial shooter gets a hilarious trailer.