Bluepoint Games' remake of the PS2 classic continues to look excellent in new gameplay footage.
Bluepoint Games' talents are on full display with the remake.
Aimed to "please the masses".
What might Bluepoint Games be up to?
Bluepoint brings its A game with all three remasters.
Audience has "changed significantly" since original Uncharted games released.
And hence, the Nathan Drake Collection.
That's a lot of footage for a game we all played six years ago.
That answer literally makes no sense.
Coming in both, the 500GB and 1TB SKUs.
A thief's life.
Sony going all in with this one.
How does Nathan Drake's greatest adventure benefit from the leap to 1080p/60 FPS?
Plus, the forced SixAxis motion controls have been removed.
Bluepoint Games finally updates Respawn's shooter on the Xbox 360.
God of War and God of War 2 are now on the Vita in 720p.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn PS4 also enters the top 20.
A new 2vs2 version of Last Titan Standing will be coming soon.
The Xbox 360 version will be a strictly retail release for now.
BluePoint achieves parity with the Xbox one and PC versions of the game.