PS3 users will be able to experience the base game for 20 hours.
Riot Shields are front and center in this new screenshot
Stick with friends through multiple rounds of play in this new feature.
DICE finally corrects a previously game breaking bug, along with updating Battlelog.
That's one problem down, eleven hundred to go.
Platoons for the mobile version of Battlelog also planned.
Partake in four new maps and Carrier Assault today.
It's even weirder in practice.
Aka how to kill Attack Boat pilots with a simple glitch.
Read: DICE continues to patch Battlefield 4 more than four months later.
Because of course it does.
Squad Access beta mode spotted in multiplayer options for PS3 version.
DICE has issued a ton of fixes in time for the Xbox One version's launch.
Full list of patch notes inside.
Prepare for battle and more fixes and changes.
Lorne Lanning says Battlefield 4 shipped "with dirt all over it".
DICE has "detected an issue and it needs to be solved". No new release date announced.
BF4 streamers are reporting an exploit that crashes Commander-enabled servers.
Premium subscribers will get the game first while normal users will need to wait two weeks.