You can blame... stupid laws for this one.
PS4 and Xbox One gameplay footage.
It was a decision made to reach the most number of people with limited resources.
Do you like what you see?
Meanwhile, Battlefield 4 is in seventh place for the first time.
Exclusive to Xbox 360 and PS3.
Fifth consecutive week on top, by the way.
Rebuilding year.
"Using 2 controllers to navigate the bootflow may cause a crash."
The living world of football, recreated for the next generation FIFA experience.
The free to play title has become EA's second biggest mobile release yet.
A different approach to basketball gaming.
It's FIFA all right.
Creative Director Brian Hayes on why you should keep an eye on this next generation fighter.
Creative director Brian Hayes gives us the low down on UFC on next gen consoles.
Executive VP of EA Studios Patrick Soderlund believes it's time for a "different pair of eyes" on the franchise.
The best looking FIFA yet
'We discovered that 60 FPS didn’t have a hugely beneficial impact on gameplay, but motion blur had an enormous impact on visual quality'
Now you properly rub your victory in your opponent's face.