Epic’s Tim Sweeney speaks in favor of keeping the Epic Games Store curated, though he isn’t sure of the specifics.
Epic starts addressing one of the biggest complaints people have had with its store so far.
They will be exclusive to the Epic Games Store for one year.
Nintendo Switch Fortnite players are now in the same pool as mobile players.
Epic Games’ Tim Sweeney discusses how he hopes to dislodge Steam.
New vehicle lets players roll around and grapple objects akin to Overwatch's Wrecking Ball.
“Advance Wars, but with a dog” is an undeniably appealing proposition.
New Battle Pass trailer also highlights some of the new cosmetics available this season.
Prepare to be grounded once again.
"We’ve been considering this mechanic for a while," says Epic Games.
"Loot that has been lost can always be found", according to the cryptic tweet.
Qualifiers for the Fortnite World Cup will run from April to June.
Fortnite reigns supreme, in spite of Apex Legends’ rise in popularity.
Two new limited time modes have been added to the battle royale title.
Apex Legends is continuing to make waves across all metrics.
Players have until February 27th to earn the next Battle Pass for free.
Sony claims that the cross-platform play functionality is available to anyone who asks.
Fortnite is now officially, fully cross-play compatible.
A whole lot games seem to have done deservedly well.
Another step towards having an actual civilized online system on the Nintendo Switch.