Series producer Yoshinori Kitase spoke about the sequel's development and confirmed it's been in the works for nine months.
The studio is working on getting the story of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy wrapped up with the next installment, which is still likely some time away.
"Whatever it is, I'm incredibly excited to work on that and see what we can do with that knowledge we've built up," says Naoki Hamaguchi.
"Looking forward to the third game and to other games, if you asked me 'would I do the same number of minigames', I don't think I would," says Naoki Hamaguchi.
"What the fans really want to see the most is not necessarily DLC. They want to see the third part of the series as quickly as possible."
Producer Yoshinori Kitase previously said Square Enix was targeting a 2027 launch for the final instalment in the remake trilogy.
"We won’t cheat with the airship system, but challenge it head-on so that players can freely fly around the map," says producer Yoshinori Kitase.
"We’re working hard on development so that we can launch part 3 as soon as possible," says Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth director Naoki Hamaguchi.
"We've always kept the original in mind, and I don't think it's going to be a storyline that will betray the fans of the original [game]," says Yoshinori Kitase.
Final Fantasy 7's Tifa will also be involved in some sort of new gameplay mechanics in the third game of the remake trilogy.
"I am absolutely confident that the third game in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake series will be one of the most loved, most popular games in the whole history of video games once again," says Naoki Hamagu...
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth director Naoki Hamaguchi has revealed that the action RPG's fan-favourite card collection and battle minigame Queen's Blood will return in the remake trilogy's final instalment...
It was confirmed earlier in the year that work was underway on the remake trilogy's final instalment.
Producer Yoshinori Kitase recently suggested that Square Enix is hoping to release the remake trilogy's final instalment in 2027.
Work on the story for the remake trilogy's final instalment has been completed, creative director Tetsuya Nomura says.
Tetsuya Nomura also extends a "gentleman's agreement" to composer Nobuo Uematsu to return for the conclusion of the trilogy.
Director Naoki Hamaguchi wants to "address the same for what is likely expected from our experience with the Highwind to explore the world."
Sony's exclusivity deal with Square Enix encompasses the entire Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy, to no one's surprise.
Square Enix's Naoki Yamaguchi hopes the team can "continue to touch on" Compilation content, but "nothing is set in stone."
Director Naoki Hamaguchi says the trilogy's final instalment's development is at about the stage that Rebirth was at when the first game launched.