Also, two retailers list the release date as June 23rd, 2015.
Or this could be yet another troll by Kojima.
As expected, this is looking amazing.
An open world comes with its own set of problems.
When you put it that way...
Tiny Metal Gear's and Mission Info straight from Kojima
It's like night and day.
Apparently, Tora Shiro knows more than he is supposed to.
Latest financial report actually suggests that the game might be releasing sooner than previously reported.
A good start for the series' new sojourn on PC.
Searching for that release date.
Kojima Productions builds a rocksteady, no-frills port for everyone.
Barely contained hype rising.
This remake would print money.
The Chinese gaming demographic will be enjoying this game alongside the rest of us.
Who knows what we're going to see
Two works of stunning design share a similar concept.