A large of amount of dynamism will be present for each mission.
PES returns with a vengeance.
Now Konami's cutscenes will be even longer and flashier!!!
The 3DS port has a hefty number of Achievements to net.
Control schemes, the journey of the past few years and visiting Sony have all been on the agenda.
An official fix is currently being worked on.
Online modes includes several new modes in addition to the old ones.
Of course the next-gen will look better in terms of resolution and lighting, according to Kojima.
Find out what lies before the Phantom Pain (quite literally).
Even the lovely Debi Mae West is confused by the decision to drop Hayter as the voice of Snake.
Kojima may be in trouble!
Can Castlevania: Lords of Shadows 2 be as fantastic as the first one?
Xbox Live version goes live tomorrow in UK.
If you have what it takes, you could be kicking it back in Dubai.
Designer Jordan Amaro also takes a stab at recent comments from Halo 4 designer David Ellis.
New home of dedicated teams for the Metal Gear Solid franchise.
Gabriel’s jaw dropping adventure still feels fresh.
What a remarkably redundant series of events.
Some little tidbits you may be interested in.