The new developer diary talks about the iconic character's inclusion in the upcoming conclusion to the Lords of Shadow saga.
Quite a generous update.
Konami also discounts the original game.
Konami and Kojima finally break the silence.
Enter freely, and of your own accord.
Kojima on what is exactly giving him headaches.
The insanity continues.
However, there is a ways to go yet.
Vampire slayers take note.
Plus smoking cigars to fast forward time.
Some missions will apparently have time limits, among other things.
Sayonara, Boss.
Poses for pictures. Like a boss.
Dave Cox on what makes Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 the biggest game in the series.
'Titan fights now far more expansive and involve full control by the player as opposed to timed presses.'
"The story started on the current generation of hardware, and it is only right that it concludes on it."
The ultimate collection for any Castlevania fan gets a release date.