Chainsaw tail. Your argument is invalid.
In case the game wasn't easy enough.
Come June 2013, it's show time.
Check out what Raiden's nemesis in Revengeance is capable of.
Is Hayter really gone?
Analyst David Gibson provides some insight into when Konami might release the next MGS.
In case, you know, you were given reason to think otherwise.
Use our guide to get the most out of the game.
Kojima does it again, in more ways than one.
Check out what's in store with Platinum's latest DLC.
Sports a lighter price tag.
Adds new playable characters, outfits, accessories, enemies and much more.
Preparing to whip it on PC, perhaps?
More weirdness but a quick screen showcases what the Phantom Pain really is.
Slice and Dice your way to a healthy breakfast.
Could a worldwide reveal be far off?
A true open world experience is on the cards with the next MGS.
Play as Jetstream Sam and LQ-84i in upcoming releases.
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue comes to mind.