The next generation is all about open world gaming.
Titanfall wallpapers for your viewing pleasure.
Microsoft hasn't turned the corner completely just yet.
Microsoft "excited" about day one value the console provides.
'The end of artificial intelligence' explained.
Depending on its success, we could see a price cut fairly early in the console's life cycle.
Where did Microsoft go wrong? And could it have been prevented?
Says most consumers wanted the choic
Phil Fish explains why the sequel won't be on Xbox One.
Bloody Action Title
Agrees that E3 2013 would've been a better place to do a "reset".
Asia launch remains unchanged
Cliffy B sounds off on the changes to Microsoft's policies for the Xbox One.
Happy retailers
Microsoft finally comes to their senses?
Details, screenshots and fly-though videos
Plenty of details to be hammered out, according to community director Sanya Weathers.
Argues that consoles have already been overtaken by mobiles and tablets in terms of audience and engagement.
The Xbox One PR machine, ladies and gentlemen.
Ten ways Microsoft can turn their boat around.