North American release date still to be announced.
It's awesome. Albeit someone has way too much time on their hands.
Start chopping trees with your fist!
And it's 1080p!!!
Despite the IP's purchase by Microsoft, it will still be available on Sony's handheld.
This should help this game get the publicity it so desperately needs.
And no, Garry Newman doesn't believe Microsoft will "completely f**k up" Minecraft.
Minecraft creator Markus Persson talks about moving on to smaller projects.
Could Minecraft be an Xbox exclusive as early as next week?
You can also eat sheep. No joke.
PS Vita users will need to continue waiting though.
4J Studios announces that it will need to go through the certification process again.
A listing on Amazon indicates that retail versions of PS4 and PS Vita are expected later this year.
These new models boast 3 pixel wide arms and may be purely optional.
More players to be added in future updates.
Mojang discusses what form a possible 3DS port could take.
That's a whole lot of griefing.
Squids are no longer what lies beneath in Minecraft.