Archive For N64 Tag

Nintendo Hardware Sales in America Show An Alarming Trend of Decline

Nintendo Hardware Sales in America Show An Alarming Trend of Decline

Nintendo has a mammoth task ahead of it with the Nintendo NX.

Turok and Turok 2 Remastered Confirmed For Xbox One

Turok and Turok 2 Remastered Confirmed For Xbox One

No plans for other platforms at this time.

Star Fox Zero New Nostalgic Trailer Shows Us The History Of The Series

Star Fox Zero New Nostalgic Trailer Shows Us The History Of The Series

Barrel rolling through the ages.

Development of the Original Perfect Dark Detailed by Rare in New Documentary

Development of the Original Perfect Dark Detailed by Rare in New Documentary

Troubled development, indeed.

Developer explains what it’s like developing for each console: PS3 being the hardest

Developer explains what it’s like developing for each console: PS3 being the hardest

Cory Bloyd who works at Munkeyfun studio has revealed how hard/easy it was developing for different consoles ranging from N64 to the PS3. And you guessed it right, the PS3 was the hardest. "I'll add t... Read More

Console FPSs Lack Innovation According To Goldeneye 007 (N64) Director

Console FPSs Lack Innovation According To Goldeneye 007 (N64) Director

Modern console First Person Shooters lack innovation- that's according to the director and producer of the N64 classic FPSs, Goldeneye 007 and Perfect Dark. "I feel that the consoles have lost groun... Read More

Goldeneye 007 Remake is Coming – Behind the Scenes Look

Goldeneye 007 Remake is Coming – Behind the Scenes Look

[HTML2] James Bond 007: Blood Stone is releasing November 2nd for 360, PS3, PC & DS, while another Bond game is coming out, but this one is a long awaited classic that is huge in my mind.  It wo... Read More

James Bond Blood Stone Team Unconcerned by Head to Head with Goldeneye 007

James Bond Blood Stone Team Unconcerned by Head to Head with Goldeneye 007

With James Bond Blood Stone all set for a November release, there are many who have pointed out that Activision is spamming the market with their first person shooters that month. Two of those are Bon... Read More

Goldeneye 007 Coming to the DS as Well as the Wii

Goldeneye 007 Coming to the DS as Well as the Wii

If you've been following the Gooldeneye remake related rumour mill here on GamingBolt, you will remember that the game was originally leaked as a title coming to both the DS and the Wii. The game's ... Read More

Iwata: Nintendo Will Never Make Mobile Games

Iwata: Nintendo Will Never Make Mobile Games

If you've been holding out for an iPhone port of Super Mario Bros, you can go home disappointed. Speaking at an Investor's Relations Q&A session last week at E3, Iwata ruled out the idea of Nin... Read More

E3 2010: Goldeneye 007 Remake Confirmed for the Wii

E3 2010: Goldeneye 007 Remake Confirmed for the Wii

Yesterday at Nintendo's conference, after showing a truly epic trailer for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and announcing that it will be arriving later this year on the DS, Reggie moved on with the sentence, "... Read More

E3 2010: Star Fox 64 3D Confirmed for the 3DS

E3 2010: Star Fox 64 3D Confirmed for the 3DS

As if the sudden blowout of all the big games announced for the 3DS wasn't enough, a Star Fox 64 remake for the 3DS was also confirmed. According to IGN, the demo at E3 was a single level, that's b... Read More

E3 2010: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Remake for the 3DS Confirmed

E3 2010: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Remake for the 3DS Confirmed

As per ING, a remake of the old N64 masterpiece, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time- what is, till date, said to be the best game ever created by the majority of serious gamers- has been confirmed t... Read More

E3 2010: Retro Studios- Donkey Kong Country Returns Announced

E3 2010: Retro Studios- Donkey Kong Country Returns Announced

Turns out that the secret title Retro Studios was working on is a Donkey Kong game, as the romours said. The game is called Donkey Kong Country Returns, and much like its forefathers on the SNES and N... Read More

E3 2010: Goldeneye 007 Wii Remake is a Thing, Trailer Gets Leaked

E3 2010: Goldeneye 007 Wii Remake is a Thing, Trailer Gets Leaked

There have been rumblings of an Activision created Wii exclusive Goldeneye remake for quite some time now. Now, on the brink of Nintendo's E3 showing today, it appears that the secret might have been... Read More

RUMOR: GoldenEye 007 Remake Leaked

RUMOR: GoldenEye 007 Remake Leaked

Quite a few people have been waiting for a remake to classic N64 title Goldeneye 007 for some time now. The game, for those who didn't know, was amongst the first to popularise FPS's on a console, als... Read More