Miguel Caron believes in using the best features of the console, but not just for the sake of it.
The man who leads planning for the Xbox One offers his take.
A total of 270,197 attendees swarmed the convention across all four days.
Now launch day? Er...
YouTube and Facebook options to appear "by next year".
Should the next Fallout refine it's sneaky mechanics.
Paid online gaming will help control some of the losses, rumoured to be $60 per unit.
But seriously, don't do it.
Will offer possibly more functionality with future updates.
Games like Forza Motorsport 5 are to "attract more people to racing".
Like the PS3, it'll be a while before we see what the PS4 can really do.
Secondary abilities and weapons revealed.
Doom 4 again?
But in a sporting, cooperative way.
Will Fallout go the way of The Elder Scrolls series?
Neil Druckmann talks about utilizing next gen technology to advance story-telling.
Or could this be the first sign of Dishonored 2?
We talk about the present and future of the virtual vegetation creator with Kevin Meredith.
Check out how the current and next gen versions differ.
Despite Major Nelson hating it.