Archive For nintendo switch Tag

Rime Looks Great In New Video Showcasing Its First 27 Minutes Of Gameplay

Rime Looks Great In New Video Showcasing Its First 27 Minutes Of Gameplay

It continues to look promising.

More Sources Indicate That Nintendo Switch Will Be In Short Supply At Launch
Pokemon For Nintendo Switch Mentioned On Retailer Website

Pokemon For Nintendo Switch Mentioned On Retailer Website

Gotta catch em all, this time on the big screen.

Skyrim Special Edition’s Latest Patch Benefits 144hz Monitors The Most

Skyrim Special Edition’s Latest Patch Benefits 144hz Monitors The Most

New patch released for PS4 and PC.

Nintendo Switch Launch Lineup Might Have Been Leaked, Unannounced Games Make An Appearance

Nintendo Switch Launch Lineup Might Have Been Leaked, Unannounced Games Make An Appearance

Take this with a grain of salt.

Nintendo Switch Accessories Are Already On Sale On Finnish Retailer’s Website

Nintendo Switch Accessories Are Already On Sale On Finnish Retailer’s Website

Most of them don't even make sense!

Nintendo Switch Should Be Far Easier To Develop For Than Wii U, Says Developer

Nintendo Switch Should Be Far Easier To Develop For Than Wii U, Says Developer

'Nvidia tools and tech are really easy to integrate...'

Nintendo Switch May Be Hard To Find Around Launch, GameStop Insider Suggests

Nintendo Switch May Be Hard To Find Around Launch, GameStop Insider Suggests

Under-stocking strikes again!

Nvidia CEO: Nintendo Switch Will Blow You Away

Nvidia CEO: Nintendo Switch Will Blow You Away

Jen-Hsun Huang talks about Nintendo's "singular dedication" to its craft.

Lego City Undercover Wiki – Everything you need to know about the game

Lego City Undercover Wiki – Everything you need to know about the game

Everything you need to know about Lego City Undercover.

Nintendo Switch May Not Be As Powerful As PS4 And Xbox One – And That’s Okay

Nintendo Switch May Not Be As Powerful As PS4 And Xbox One – And That’s Okay

There is less merit to the specs argument than you would think.

Nintendo Switch Set To Launch March 17 For £245, Claims Rumor

Nintendo Switch Set To Launch March 17 For £245, Claims Rumor

That would be a pretty good price, actually.

Nintendo Switch Treehouse Stream Will Provide A Deeper Look At Switch Games On January 13

Nintendo Switch Treehouse Stream Will Provide A Deeper Look At Switch Games On January 13

This will be our first chance to look at the Nintendo Switch's games in depth.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Gets New Screenshot Hinting At The Return Of A Beloved Character
Rime Will Be Getting A Physical Launch

Rime Will Be Getting A Physical Launch

Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

GameStop Opens Pre-Orders For Nintendo Switch In Europe

GameStop Opens Pre-Orders For Nintendo Switch In Europe

Couldn't have waited just one more week, huh guys?

Rime Releasing In May 2017 For PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC

Rime Releasing In May 2017 For PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC

No longer PS4 exclusive.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 Will Be Timed Exclusive For Nintendo Switch; Launching On PS4, Xbox One, and PC After A Year

Beyond Good and Evil 2 Will Be Timed Exclusive For Nintendo Switch; Launching On PS4, Xbox One, and PC After A Year

Plus, the game will apparently be revealed on January 12.

Nintendo Switch New Rumor Reveals Online Details: Gameplay Recording, Voice Chat, No Friend Codes

Nintendo Switch New Rumor Reveals Online Details: Gameplay Recording, Voice Chat, No Friend Codes

Are Nintendo actually taking online functionality seriously this time around?

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Gets Gorgeous New Artwork To Celebrate The New Year