Now your other number one reason to buy a Wii U.
Ayane shows her stuff (and some of her opponents').
Further to its announcement at E3 2012, more details for Nintendo TVii in North America have been annnounced.
Now touch people using the GamePad before you kill them!
How awesome does it look?
Wii U will released in Europe on xxx priced at £xxx.
FIFA, Batman, Mass Effect, Mario and more.
Cheap? Expensive? Tell us what you think.
Gamepad is quite expensive I might add.
In-game, of course.
In a few short hours.
Do you agree with him?
Because that's how important the Wii U is to "hardcore" developers.
Mamma mia! Luigi's second starring role ever!
Millions of dollars, millions of dollars, millions of dollars!
Another great addition to the Kingdom Hearts franchise that paves the way for a big, numbered sequel.
It took them this long after Pokemon, but it sure looks cool.
Coins, coins and more coins!