These will "improve, expand and build" on the game's universe.
"When it’s not done by someone by hand it’s hard to get experiences that are memorable."
Looks like this game did something unprecedented, after all!
No special exemptions.
No, your discoveries aren't being continually wiped.
New No Man's Sky nod allows you to fly closer to the surface, and even dive underwater.
Let's hope these three patches are enough to improve performance and the overall experience.
Codemasters' racing sim takes the top spot.
Our comprehensive benchmark of the PS4 and PC versions of No Man's Sky.
Refunding? Prepare for a litany of issues.
Hello Games are trying their best to fix reported issues, and deliver a smoother experience.
Some tech tips for No Man's Sky.
Brings improved stability plus "lots more".
'But even that is a large number.'
Here lies the procedurally generated universe with its vast array of secrets.
A PC and PS4 patch is coming soon, and it will make players "very happy."
Don't celebrate just yet, though...