Mewtwo promises to be a challenge, even in this game.
This is why you keep data backups, Game Freak!
The process of throwing Poke Balls is somewhat more complicated though.
Obviously, it was a proposition that was met with a lot of resistance.
I don’t like a lot of the new Pokemon designs, but Meltan is kind of cute.
Including battles with the Legendary Birds.
But they will have EVs and IVs.
Goodness this game is the cutest thing ever.
In other words, games that might need it the most.
This is in a year with Smash and Pokemon, let me remind you.
The already-rad Gyarados and Kangaskhan looking even more rad.
Nothing spectacular, but they do look nice.
This game is looking better with each showing...
This game looks to have so much personality.
To the surprise of no one, Pokemon Gen 8 will be launching, seemingly, in the final quarter of its year.
The Power of Us Will be launching in theaters in the US, The Pokemon Company has confirmed.
I can't imagine long time series fans will like this change much...
In the wise words of the criminal duo- prepare for trouble, and make it double...
Pre-orders for Smash, Pokemon, Red Dead, and Switch have spiked in the wake of E3, the retailer has divulged.
Customizing your unbearably cute starter Pokemon shown off in new video.