Omega Force's Akihiro Suzuki talks about the recently release hack and slash adventure.
New opinions on the event come to light.
Mixed Bag Games' co-founder Mauro Fanelli talks about the power of the PS4.
Strategically boring.
PlayStation fans, this is a present to you.
Gotta go fast! And sound sweet when you do.
MixedBag Games' Mauro Fanelli talks about Sony's support for the project.
Meet developers, attend panels and maybe net some sweet swag in the process.
Attention duellists! The critically acclaimed PC title will be on PlayStation this week.
Everything you need to know about The Swapper.
Dennaton's murderous indie title has faced a short delay.
The game will garner more than $1 million over the next month on the PS3, PS4 and Vita.
November 4 to be specific.
North American release date still to be announced.
Streaming content for all!
I don't like anime.
PS Vita, home of the shoot-em-up.
Do you get it now?