Meanwhile Bayonetta 2 collapses.
The 2D fighter faces a delay on Sony's platforms.
Despite the IP's purchase by Microsoft, it will still be available on Sony's handheld.
Designer Mark Foster explains the basic premise and why Titan Souls won't be on Xbox One any time soon.
New tracks, new lighting system, more riders and improved visuals await on the PS4 version.
Share Play support included.
I'd buy that for a dollar! And I probably did.
Expansion of the original game coming to the west next year.
This game's got some serious cred.
Rebranded PS Vita TV launching in US and Canada next month.
Poor Vita.
This should help this game get the publicity it so desperately needs.
Cross Buy will be supported.
Earth Defense Force 4.1 for PS4 & 2 Portable V2 for Vita get new trailers.
The mobile RPG will be ported to the Vita and release this January in Japan.
Next you'll be telling me we won't be getting another Call of Duty on it either.
PS4 sales have given a push to PS Vita.
Includes unannounced games for PS4 and PS Vita, alongside Final Fantasy Type 0 HD.
Everything you need to know about Velocity 2X.