Head of production Jonty Barnes talks about the risk of a new IP for Bungie.
Arguably the biggest shooter of the year (this week) goes live.
Rush Mode is out but Conquest and Team Deathmatch return.
Hello Games' procedurally generated open world title is big but does that make it better?
Community manager David Dague says the studio "created something we're proud of".
Claire Redfield teams up with Barry's daughter.
And now the end is near…
GamingBolt speaks to Milestone s.r.l.'s Andrea Basilio to know all about the PS4 version of the game.
Everything you need to know about Helldivers.
Constant cloaking, no more!
Kojima is up to his usual antics, gather round and watch.
It's absolutely mind blowing, truly next gen, highly dynamic and very emotional.
Listen to that sweet, sweet soul music.
Titanic expectations await.
No, really. An official release date, please.
It's like Duke Nukem Forever all over again.
Calm down! It was just a mistake.
If only the keepers were this good for the world cup, eh?
Wait, I get to keep the castle? Sign me up.