Check out some amazing wallpapers for inFamous Second Son in 1080P which you can use for your desktop, PS3, laptops, Android, iPad and other devices. About the game: inFamous: Second Son is a n... Read More
Check out some amazing wallpapers for Killzone Shadow Fall.
The long awaited feature will finally arrive this holiday season.
Maybe that applies to only Dragon Age 3?
They are believers of episodic format games.
Come and see this new frontier on February 26th.
PS4 is shaping up to be an impressive console for development.
Where does that leave Cloud Gaming for smartphones and tablets?
Show us the game, EA.
Developer focused console.
The console will release this holiday season. And it's bringing a few friends.
A brief look into the future of the PS4 (or at least our take on it).
Could a Gran Turismo 6 reveal be on the cards?
UPDATED: A complete list of games coming on the PS4.
The Dualshock 4 looks good, but how does it look in comparison to its predecessors?
Feels that Sony and Microsoft should be on their guard in the coming months.
One of the odder announcements at Sony's Playstation 4 reveal was that of Activision Blizzard bringing action RPG blockbuster Diablo 3 to consoles, specifically to PS3 and PS4. While the Playstation 4... Read More
Jimmy and Anthony take on Guerrilla Games' upcoming FPS.
Info on various games and console aspects now available.