Alien: Isolation 2 incoming?
It was going to be a thing, but then they ultimately just ditched it.
Takashi Iizuka answers a query on Sonic's home console status.
Tom Kalinske talks about the recent closure of Sega of America's San Francisco office, among other things.
Sega gets serious.
A few tech tips for the PC version of Total War: Attila.
It has a graphics setting built with future graphics cards in mind.
Project Lead Janos Gaspar on why community feedback played an important role in the development of Total War: Attila.
Attila is one of the best strategy games you can find on the market right now.
These vikings are not from Minnesota...
The game made showing us the other side of this conflict will be called Total War: Mulan.
It turned out to be successful after all.
And no one knows what it does.
Looks very great.
The Creative Assembly is currently working on a Total War game set in the Warhammer universe.
Squeals of delight ensue.
Enter into Salvage mode and attempt to escape the horrors on-board Sevastopol Station.
Everything you need to know about Total War: Attila.
Aliens vs. Predator also gone from Steam.