Lead programmer Jason Gregory talks about reaching the game's full potential on PS4.
Corrinne Yu on all things Naughty Dog and a screenshot comparison showing the difference between the last and current gen versions.
Sick of 60 FPS and 1080p? Naughty Dog has a solution for you.
Less than two weeks before the remastered edition releases for PS4.
We compare the PS4 and PS3 versions of The Last of Us.
Some development updates from Naughty Dog.
#believe or something.
If you've pre-ordered the game online, you can expect to have your $10 refunded.
The reason is laughable.
Is it good value for money yet?
Check out how Naughty Dog's PS3 release stacks up to the new Remastered edition.
Trailer may contain spoilers (duh).
GAME apologizes for the error.
The studio has other things going on besides The Last of Us: Remastered and Uncharted on PS4.
Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann says all cinematics are 1080p/60 FPS and rendered from scratch.
Also, we've got some bad news for Folklore fans.
PS4 port releasing a week after E3?
"30hz, 60hz and anything in between is more than just about being cinematic."