You're not quite done with King's Fall.
Alak-Hul is your target in this week's Nightfall.
Rift, Control and Clash playlists seem to have received the same.
Collect masks, complete quests and even trick or treat in the Tower.
The Legend Himself strikes yet again.
Step your game up, Bungie.
King's Fall on Hard won't just be about increased sandbox difficulty.
Xur returns with some more familiar Exotics.
Bungie is investigating the issue and promises generally "more rewarding" Crucible drops.
Avid PvP players will have King's Fall Hard mode though.
This week's Nightfall is slightly challenging.
Hold off on playing the Nightfall until then.
Don't expect a Sunbreaker nerf any time soon though.
Bungie recognizes lethality of "limitless Nightstalker" on competitive landscape.
Prepare for more raid challenges.
Xur returns with an interesting range of Exotics.
There are plenty of things Bungie shouldn't have in future DLCs. Here are a few.
Destiny's newest update brings quite the number of changes.
After maintenance, Iron Banner and update 2.0.1 will be live.
Microtransactions and the removal of Shot Package are in-bound.