To celebrate the announcement of the Saints Row reboot, the third game's remaster is free to redeem till September 2nd on EGS.
Volition and Deep Silver have announced Saints Row, a full reboot of the series with new characters, a completely new setting, and more.
Koch Media's "Primetime" event has been confirmed for June 11, 12 PM Pacific Time.
PS5 and Xbox Series X players can play at dynamic 4K/60 FPS while Xbox Series S gets upscaled 4K/30 FPS and 1080/60 FPS modes.
4K and 60 FPS support has been confirmed.
The remaster's Epic Games Store exclusivity period is coming to an end.
Bleed 2, Stacking and The Raven: Remastered are also part of the month.
Senior PR manager Alex Q. Ryan says there's "no information to share at this time."
GamingBolt speaks with Koch Media's Nikolay Stoyanov about the recently released remaster.
Meanwhile, Saints Row: The Third Remastered debuts in 7th place.
Though it can feel dated in spots, Saints Row: The Third Remastered still offers ridiculous, over the top fun.
Don't expect the Saints' grand return anytime soon.
It retails for $39.99 and features redone assets, a new lighting engine, and all of the DLC.
Looks like the Saints will get a new paint of coat.
Update: Confirmed, with an official trailer now available.
The chaotic open world title might be coming to the Switch soon.
Currently "deep in development", it will be a "full entry" to the series.
The new trailer gives a double dose of Saints Row’s humor.
A Deluxe Pack for the game has also been announced.
The promise of portable Saints Row, realized at last.