'Think of these as our first party titles.'
And that's that.
VR may not be all it's cracked up to be.
You have not been forgotten.
Creator to Deus Ex, Thief, seems to think that gaming's latest obsession won't amount to much.
What is the point of this?
Oculus will be on Xbox One... kinda.
This might lead to one of the most memorable E3 pressers in recent years- in a good or bad way.
Another one bites the dust.
That includes a new PC, and the headset itself.
For a breach of contract and stealing information, apparently.
If you wanted Oculus on your Mac or Linux, you may be in for a wait.
'This will give you the full Oculus experience.'
'We have talked to everyone.'
The moment is finally here.
And Game of Thrones (the TV show) as well!
nDreams CEO Patrick O' Luanaigh talks the major hurdles and future of VR gaming.
We may yet have a long wait ahead of us.
Phil Spencer talks about improving the Xbox One experience.
Mike Capps believes VR still has a ways to go before mass acceptance.